
What Time Is It?

Since I've see this MK watch in 2 girls blogs, I literally fell in love. 
Now that I know there's more models and color options, I decide which ones I want (I always give like 3 options to my husband, so he can have a better idea of what I like and want).

MK 'Runway' Chronograph Watch - $250.00 Macys.com

MK Chronograph Goldtone Watch - $250.00 Macys.com

MK White Acrilic Watch - $250.00 Macys.com


New Toy ASAP!

Don't know why, everytime I touch a computer or laptop, I broke it...LOL! Our laptop had so many virus and other problems (I think because of me) that now is broken for good (not so good for me). Anyway, my hubby told me he wants to buy me a new one! Yeeeii! Of course I dont know when, but the idea is there. He knows I can't live without a computer in my hands.
I want a pink one. I know is TOO girly, but I'm a girl, right? :) 
These are the 2 that I really like, but at the end I think I will choose the Sony. Mac laptops are too complicated for my brain, even if they look cute.

No se porque, cada vez que toco una computadora o laptop, la termino malogrando...Jajaja! Nuestra laptop ha tenido tantos problemas, especialmente con virus, que creo que ahora si esta malograda y esta vez es para siempre (lo cual es nada bueno para mi). En fin, mi esposo quiere comprarme una nueva! Claro que no se cuando, pero la idea esta ahi. El sabe que no puedo vivir sin una computadora en mis manos. 
Yo quiero una laptop rosa. Estos 2 modelos son las que tengo en mente, pero creo que al final escogere la Sony Vaio ya que la Mac es dificilisima de usar! No importa lo lindas que se vean, son demasiado complicadas para mi cerebro!


Kitty Love!

Don't know why I adore Hello Kitty! I'm not a HUGE fan, but I think she is sooo adorable and cute.
I want a lot of stuff from the Sanrio Store like the car cup holder (I need this one ASAP)...LOL! I'm such a kid! Anyway, just want to share with you these cute cupcakes.

No se porque adoro a Hello Kitty! No son una GRAN fan, pero creo que es taaan adorable y linda.
Quiero comprar miles de cosas como el cargador de taza para el auto (el cual necesito ya ya)...! En fin, quiero mostrarles estos lindos cupcakes.

Future Baby

Lately, my hubby and I are wanting a English Bulldog. It all started at Petland in Ohio, where we saw the most beautiful white EB puppy... after that day, we fell in love with this amazing breed. 
Hope we can have one soon and make our old boy, Tiger (11 year old Boxer) happy!

Ultimamente, mi esposo y yo queremos tener un English Bulldog. Todo empezo en la tienda de mascostas Petland en Ohio, donde vimos a la mas bella cachorra EB...despues de ese dia, quedamos enamorados de esta increible raza.
Esperamos poder tener una pronto y hacer feliz a nuestro hijo mayor, Tiger!


North Carolina

So finally we made it to Raleigh! It was a long drive from Chicago, Illinois, but it worth it! I'm getting to know so much from this country that I feel fortunate. My dad will be so happy for me...!
Anyway, here is a picture from the road...Nothing new for many people, but new for me.

Finalmente llegamos a Raleigh! Fue un largo viaje desde Chicago, Illinos pero valio la pena! Estoy conociendo muchisimo este pais y me siento afortunada. Mi padre estaria feliz por mi...!
En fin, les dejo una foto. Nada nuevo para mucha gente, pero nuevo para mi.